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Friday, June 18, 2010


Iron bird named the aircraft was not a strange things again in this modern age. Apparently, the travel history of the aircraft made pertaman times until the present to create an aircraft with all its sophistication has enough panjnag ie 100 years. History began a century ago when Orville Wright succeeded in flying a small plane in North Carolina, United States. However, the flight only lasted for 12 minutes. Although this represents only a minute first flight in an airplane motor. In addition, this inaugural flight is also an important moment that opened the way to the era of modern aviation. Although still a very simple shape, this plane is a fruit with a series of profound thought experiments performed for three years. The aircraft with four wing is also a fruit of love for his brother Orville and Wilbur Wright at everything that flew in the air. One of the objects 'fly' like is that after moving the kite. Not surprisingly, when still a child Wright brothers spent much of her time playing kites. As teenagers, they began to love to watch birds. They saw, bird balancing by rotating wing-tip mutarkan. Therefore, Orville and Wilbur deliberately designing their wings slightly bent. In this way, they can turn the plane. In 1902, the design of their aircraft even more perfect. The experiments were carried out. Finally, on the morning of December 17, 1903, their aircraft are equipped with simple motor can be aired. Before the Wright brothers, there are actually some people who have tried to create an airplane. But the results of their efforts are not bright Wright brothers. In the late 1840s for example, Sir George Cayley of England make a glider that could carry one person when it airs after the withdrawal. Then in the 1890s, a German, Otto Lilienthal hang gliding on air with the aircraft. More than 2000 time, Lilienthal gantolenya flying from the top of the hill. But eventually, he had an accident and died after a sudden gantolenya 'strike' in the air. Since the success of the Wright brothers flew the plane bermotornya, aviation technology advancing rapidly. In 1947, there has been significant progress. American pilot, Chuck Yeager succeeded menerbangakn aircraft exceeds the speed of sound. Whereas before, people are very confident that the aircraft would not be possible to fly faster than the speed of sound.
